Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What are your fears?

I found this 2d animation and it is absolutely stunning. The story of this animation touches my heart. It provokes so many emotions with the story that is being told. A cat is thrown into all of its worst fears and it learns to survive. Such a good message. Not to mention, the 2d animation is absolutely awesome. The use of color and grain give it a special look and making it that much more beautiful. Below is the video and below the video is the young 17 year olds description of her inspiration.

A cat wakes up surrounded by water and must learn to survive.

My name is Gints Zilbalodis, I’m 17 years old and this has been my passion project for the last year an a half. It started as vague ideas of a cat, ocean and overcoming fear. Then through numerous battles with the script it shaped up to something similar you can see now. After seven drafts I felt that it was ready to start storyboarding, but the film kept evolving all the way until the sound mix was done. I kept learning about filmmaking everyday, going through all of the different processes.
I chose the cat as the main character mainly to save time with exposition, because people know that generally cats are afraid of water. So I could just jump right into action. Plus cat is a fairly small creature and the ocean seems even bigger to him. And of course cats are much easier to draw than humans.
The film’s music is by my friend Bertrams Pauls Purvišķis who helped a great deal to tell the story the way it was intended. Music had a lot of to convey in very little time and it came out much better than I could’ve ever expected.
I’ve been delaying the release for quite some time, because as I learned by making it, a lot of mistakes made earlier when I didn’t have the experience had to be remade from scratch. I’m glad it’s finally done and I can show it to the world.

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