Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh Georgia!

I know this doesn't really pertain to my topic of film, but I couldn't help myself. My parents have been job hunting so they can get the hell out of new jersey! haha...My dad has gotten two offers....One...for Maryland at a pentagon related job, the other in Georgia doing the same thing. I really hope he gets a good offer for Georgia, because then I could watch my parents dreams come true! Get this, so In maryland it is really hard to find a house in my parents price range, and houses for sale are few and far between...but In Georgia, there are hundreds of brand new houses for sale in that same price range that offer 2+ acres, in-ground pools, and much more! Why is it so, that houses are hard to come by near our nations capitol? But then In Georgia, they are still building affordable homes? Keep your fingers crossed for our family and for my parents dreams to come to fruition! Here is a pic of a beautiful home in parents price's like a mansion without the expected price tag!!!!! The house above is 150,000.00 and has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and it was only built in 2003!!!! Georgia is a goldmine for real estate right now!

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